Catholic Colleges Fail Condom Study
The makers of Trojan brand condoms recently released their 2007 Sexual Health Report Card based on sexual health awareness programs, condom & contraception availability, web-based sexual health information.
You want the good news? The condom guys said that Catholic Universities actually did quite poorly. Thank God for small miracles. Just when you thought Catholic colleges were going to hell in a hand basket they go and mess up on a test given by condom manufacturers. Maybe they’re still Catholic, after all. Just a little anyway.
Out of 139 schools, Catholic colleges were maligned for not demonstrating “well- evolved” sexual health programs and were the least sexually healthy schools, according to the condom manufacturers.
103 Providence College
109 University of Notre Dame
115 Georgetown University
120 Boston College
122 DePaul University
133 University of Central Florida
135 Villanova University
I was pretty stunned to see that Georgetown was not receiving a medal from the condom manufacturers. Good for them to do so poorly. I think this just means they didn’t actually hand condoms out with the freshman’s acceptance letter. But hey, we’ll take improvement where we can get it.