Excuse us for trying to lead
Jake Tapper reports all you need to know about how the condescender in chief negotiates.
Boehner said at one point that “it’s clear to all of us how big this spending problem is. Congress keeps voting for programs we can’t pay for. But look, entitlement cuts aren’t easy for us to vote for either. Our guys aren’t cheerleading about cutting entitlements.”
“Your guys already voted for them,” the president said, referring to the budget offered by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wisc.
“Excuse us for trying to lead,” Boehner said.
The president today continued to make the case for a big deal, arguing that if they’re going to draw heat for the deal, they should at least do more than make a down payment on the deficit – they should get the country on sounder financial footing and begin to seriously bend the deficit cost curve.
During another exchange, Republicans were going through proposed tax increases as bad for jobs.
“C’mon, man!” Vice President Biden exclaimed, “let’s get real!”
The Vice President argued that their opposition isn’t economic, it’s ideological, that no real economist thinks they’re “job killers.”
President Obama is a jerk and he is determined to make Republicans vote for “job killing” tax increases so that he has some cover.
I don’t know if the Republicans have the stomach for this fight, experience does not inspire confidence, but Boehner’s answer is right on.
Oh, by the way Joe. You know who said it is a bad idea to raise taxes in a recession man? Your boss man, in 2009 man.
“First of all, he’s right. Normally, you don’t raise taxes in a recession, which is why we haven’t and why we’ve instead cut taxes. So I guess what I’d say to Scott is – his economics are right. You don’t raise taxes in a recession. We haven’t raised taxes in a recession.”
Take that man.