Cold wave in India attributed to global warming, says Sify News, a major daily newspaper in India. That’s my favorite headline of the day. Here’s the lede just in case you thought they’d explain it a little better. Mumbai: The… Continue Reading →
Kudos to the one of the greatest directors of our time Steven Spielberg for ending his involvement as an artistic adviser for the Beijing Olympics and narrowly avoiding becoming the 21st century Leni Riefenstahl. The film director made the decision… Continue Reading →
Sometimes we are reminded of how tenuous a thread religious liberty hangs by in many parts of the world. Over the past years we have seen many stories that speak of the opening up to the west that has occurred… Continue Reading →
Close Encounters of the Mosaic Kind—New mosaics added to the front facade of the crypt entrance of the Basilica at Lourdes: Is the best we could do? Lent Re-branded as ‘Christian Ramadan’—Maybe the Dutch should be re-branded as ‘Dumb Germans’… Continue Reading →
From the “Couldn’t We Do Better Than This?” department comes pictures of new mosaics added to the front facade of the crypt entrance of the Basilica at Lourdes in celebration of the 150th anniversary of the famous apparitions. From a… Continue Reading →
Dutch Catholics have re-branded the Lent fast as the “Christian Ramadan” in an attempt to appeal to young people who are more likely to know about Islam than Christianity, says The UK Telegraph. The Catholic charity Vastenaktie, which collects for… Continue Reading →
Oh Noooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Republicans for Choice Political Action Committee has endorsed John McCain (R-Ariz.), saying he is the best candidate now that former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani is out of the presidential race. The Republicans for Choice PAC… Continue Reading →
You know when you think about the fight to preserve marriage, you think how that fight is going to be a long drawn out one with fights for Supreme Court Justices. The arguments start with gay marriage and will ultimately… Continue Reading →
The New York Times Magazine has a very interesting piece on fetal pain. While it was once common wisdom that newborn babies could not feel pain and the concept of fetal pain was laughable. However, science has progressed and now… Continue Reading →
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