Help Needed: Leo Cartwright
—CMR’s version of a face on a milk carton.

Keep Your Theology Off My Technology
—Every time the Church attacks scientists, it’s like Galileo is beheaded all over again.

1/4 Catholics Believe in Reincarnation
—A new poll shows Catholicism doesn’t mean what many Catholics think it means.

Yes Virginia, Fr. Made Me Mad Because…
—Visiting Priest debunks Santa during mass!

No Truth To The Rumor
—CMR may have uncovered the identity of the journalist who attacked Pres. Bush today.

Can You Impeach The President-Elect?
—How do you throw a guy out of a fictional office?

The Perfect Attendance of Typhoid Mary
—I have given a name to my pain and it is “Perfect Attendance Anthony.”

Creative Minority Reader

Luxembourg’s Catholic Monarch
—Monarch stands up bravely against euthanasia and pays the price.

Save Al Gore!
—Our environmental hero is sacrificing himself this time unless we act now.

Retooning The Nativity
—The first Christmas may not be how you pictured it!

Being There Is All You Can Do
—The hardest lesson of my short career in parenting.