Did you know The Pill could have side effects? Shock! One researcher is saying that The Pill could make women jealous.Daily Mail reports:

A study claims sex hormones in the contraceptive Pill bring out the green-eyed monster, making a woman more possessive and more likely to fret about her husband or boyfriend’s fidelity.

Those taking brands with the highest levels of oestrogen may even find their hormone-driven suspicions place their relationship in jeopardy, researchers warned.

The finding is one in a long line of ‘emotional’ side-effects attributed to the Pill, which is taken by some 3.5million British women – a quarter of all 16 to 49-year-olds.

The drug is also credited with making women broody, changing their taste in men and even boosting intelligence.

Working with Dutch psychologists, Stirling University’s Dr Craig Roberts asked 275 women a series of questions designed to gauge how much they trusted their partner.

Topics covered included how they feel when their other half flirts with another woman, whether they were worried that he would leave them for another woman and how possessive they were.

The women, who were aged between 17 and 35 had all been taking various versions of the combined Pill, containing synthetic forms of oestrogen and progesterone, for at least three months.

Shock. While I completely believe that The Pill may indeed do something physical to a woman to inspire jealousy shouldn’t it also be considered that women on the Pill who have sex with a man without a lifelong commitment to building a family might have reason to be jealous. So whether it’s a physical side effect or simply an effect of the contraceptive lifestyle there’s little doubt that it harms and misshapes relationships.