This is your must read of the day if you want to throw your hands up and pull your hair out. However, if you’d like to remain blissfully ignorant of how Catholic colleges have 150 ties with Planned Parenthood then just click on something else and forget you were ever here.

The Cardinal Newman Society (CNS) issued a devastating report titled “A Scandalous Relationship: Catholic Colleges and Planned Parenthood” unearthing more than 150 current and past connections of Catholic colleges and universities to the national abortion provider, as documented on the Internet.

In the report, CNS urges Catholic colleges and universities to “embrace a no-tolerance position for any relationship with Planned Parenthood,” which CNS asserts is “a leading contributor to what Pope John Paul II labeled a ‘culture of death’.”

Read the devastating (and disheartening) report at The Cardinal Newman Society.