We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2011

About That John Jay Study

The study commissioned by the Bishops performed by John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City has been all over the news. Any such study, particularly one that relies in many ways on self-reported information (particularly in the… Continue Reading →

Greatest Marriage Proposal Evah!

This is pretty cool. HT Viral Footage

What Say You on Rick Perry?

Hot Air is reporting that Texas Governor Rick Perry is considering a run for President. For some reason I have him in a “liberal Republican” file in my head. I could be absolutely wrong. Any of you guys know anything… Continue Reading →

ACLU: Cover Up that Cross!

The ACLU treats Jesus like a sex offender on school grounds. No, actually I think the ACLU is all for allowing molesters to stand on top of the monkey bars handing out candy at recess. So actually, the ACLU treats… Continue Reading →

Judge Not Lest Ye Be Stupid

Two stories in the news got my attention for different reasons. The first story has Stephen Hawking believing in a myth. See, Mr. Hawking has been told a fairy tale so many times, he has come to actually believe it…. Continue Reading →

Torture Works!

Sometimes torture works. Sometimes the death penalty saves innocent lives. But so what? Continue reading at the National Catholic Register>>>

How Can You Possibly Be Pro-Life?

Kristen Walker of Live Action tells of her pro-life conversion from a conversation she started by asking a friend “How Can You Possibly be Pro-Life? Rick Perry, governor of the Great State of Texas – and I’ll admit I’m a… Continue Reading →

WWYD? Buy Condoms for Kid?

This is an interesting video. A television shows has a 15 year old babyface boy asking adults to buy him condoms. It’s interesting and depressing to hear most of the responses. You get a bunch of mealy mouthed adults absolutely… Continue Reading →

Adult Stem Cells May Have Cured AIDS?

Embryonic stem cells cure nothing and cause myriad problems, not the least of which is killing people to extract them. For some time the action has been in the field of adult stem cells, even if regularly ignored by the… Continue Reading →

Man Paints Sistine Chapel in His Home

This is kind of a kooky story I picked up at Pewsitter. A retired decorator got bored painting the same color walls and decided to have some fun and attempt to recreate the Sistine Chapel in his home. The guy… Continue Reading →

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