Following Corapi’s example, we announce a major change in our lives!!!
What? Too soon?
Following Corapi’s example, we announce a major change in our lives!!!
What? Too soon?
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June 24, 2011 at 2:52 pm
Again: I understand what you set out to do. (Melody said the same, albeit with a bit more eloquence.) But the intensity and flavour of this "lampoon" makes no easily visible distinction between Fr. Corapi (the person and the priest) and Fr. Corapi's wrong-headed statements.
Tell you what: could you possibly edit the original post (and other posts to this effect) with some sort of personal plea, like [use your own words], "Fr. Corapi… we're not trying to disrespect you; we want only to highlight the absurdity of what you're saying, for the sole purpose of shaking you out of your current state and calling you to come home."
Right now, as it is, it's giving the uncomfortable impression that you posted this mainly to gather applause, agreement and laughs, at Fr. Corapi's expense. Can you see how, given the intensity of your reaction and the relative dearth of comments about trying to get Fr. Corapi to come to his senses, someone might get the impression that your highest priority is lampooning, and that Fr. Corapi's humanity and woundedness is a distant afterthought… if that?
June 24, 2011 at 5:56 pm
Comments on Mark Shea's blog can now be left here:
June 27, 2011 at 6:16 pm
Mark Shea posted a wonderful post today at
I lashed out at him and I accused him of being taliban-like in a previous post. I said he was not open minded. After reading his blog post today, I see that he is more than open-minded; he is capable of self-reflection. As am I. So in line with that, I regret my previous post in which I wrote negative and nasty comments about Mark Shea.
June 27, 2011 at 7:01 pm
Thanks Penny. The check is in the mail.
June 28, 2011 at 3:16 am
I felt sad listening to the dog blog making fun of Fr. John. It is apparent that you ARE THE ONEs WHO NEEDS MENTAL HELP.
What goes around, comes around. When you need mercy and an understanding ear let those you go for help to turn your pain into a sarcastic story.
July 5, 2011 at 12:48 am
On a more recent post, you took Michael Voris to task as he criticized some of the tone used by bloggers regarding Father Corapi's situation. He was spot-on correct (as I posted on my own blog). I'd be willing to bet that he had in mind this chihuahua piece. I watched it and see no useful purpose to your video at all. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
July 11, 2011 at 6:59 am
I'm not rcc, but read widely, and get emails from disparate sources. Those who criticize this satire…I wonder if they even know what satire is?
I wonder if they were as vehemently 'supportive', with a 'circle the wagons' mentality….when the news was about various priests and bishops who have been abusing children?
The reality is that from Fr. Corapi's video….there IS NO shame…no repentance…nothing much visible except defiance. A satire is what is often used to reveal those hidden motives.
For the record, I spent 25 yrs in a public, para-military position. I know what it's like to be in the 'public eye'. My behaviour…even OFF the job…was subject to a far stricter code than normal citizens…and any infraction, even at home…or in public, could and would have resulted in censure, in suspension, in termination, and, in extreme cases, in criminal charges…all for bringing the 'ministry into disrepute'.
IF the accusations against him are valid, and the Bishop seemed to say that many of them have been substantiated… much Higher Standard do you think a person who's claimed to 'represent' Christ Himself should be held to?
Just wondering….and watching the bloodletting with amused bemusement. The blog was brilliant…and, having listened to and watched Fr. Corapi…accurately lampooning. The 'let's shoot the messenger' posts are rather sad.
Blessings…and may justice prevail.