The litany of things in which Catholics are no different from the culture at large is as vast as the number of consonants in an Icelandic phone book.

As we watch the destruction of marriage in the US proceed vote by vote with critical assistance by Catholics, I think it worthwhile to look at some other trends affecting marriage.

The redefining of marriage as some sort of unadorned legalistic relationship similar to a joint checking account, but without a toaster, simply dumbs down the divine. Such vapid redefinition of something so critical to society naturally results in a disintegrating society. Truth be told, this redefinition process has going on for a while now, it is just that the gay lobby has accelerated this process for its own precious desires.

In my mind, a key indicator of the societal value of marriage is at what age do we encourage our young people to get married, if we encourage them at all. By this measure, marriage means very little to our society. Does it mean any more to Catholics?

Many Catholics…

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