Right now there are 356 mentions of “fertilized eggs” in the news, according to a quick Google News search, due to the Personhood amendment being voted on in Mississippi.

You see, a fertilized egg to you, me, and anyone with a brain is called an embryo.

As David Schmidt of Live Action points out, “Well there is no such thing as a fertilized human egg. Once a human egg is fertilized, it is no longer an egg but rather called a human zygote or human embryo.”

But that doesn’t stop the media from continuously calling an embryo a “fertilized egg.” In fact the terms “embryo” and “personhood” has about 1/3 the news mentions as “fertilized egg.” That’s a rout, folks. The media has found a term to their liking and “embryo” loses again. (Like always. Man, embryos can’t catch a break.)

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