A female student at Carnegie Mellon dressed up as the Pope from the waist up and naked from the waist down passed out condoms to other students at an annual art school parade.
To make it even slightly more offensive, she shaved her hair down there in the shape of a cross. Now clearly, this was meant to be offensive and in your face.
The Diocese has asked CMU to take action against this kind of hateful behavior but CMU said they’re unsure if their community standards were violated.
Excuse me?
Bishop David Zubik said he understands that “when we’re growing up we do stupid things” but he added that the behavior of this young woman crossed the line.
CMU issued a statement saying they’ll continue to review the incident. This is purely hate-filled. There’s no other explanation. Can you think of what the college would do if this type of speech were aimed at Jews, Muslims, or any other group for that matter.
If this doesn’t fall beneath their “community standards” it’s because they perhaps don’t have any.
Here’s a television news story with Bishop Zubik:
May 1, 2013 at 3:10 am
I am sure the city must have laws against public nudity, open lewdness, corruption of minors, scattering rubbish…
May 1, 2013 at 5:15 pm
Let's say she did it and handed out cartoons of Muhammad and shaved herself "down there" to make a crescent?
May 1, 2013 at 5:44 pm
Let the Muslims and others rail about 'hate speech'. I hope Catholics keep silent and do not give the agent provocateurs what they want. The Catholic church is Holy. That is its nature. No obscenity can remotely touch that holiness. Let us just assume she is a very unhappy and damaged person.
May 1, 2013 at 5:47 pm
Contrarian, I forgive both this young woman's stunt and your blatant linguistic sleight of hand– namely calling Catholic beliefs an "imposition" on you and this young woman, when your calling it an imposition is itself an imposition, just as those who claim "tolerance" impose a "morality" or lack thereof that involves rank inconsistencies that sing to the tune of "all beliefs are equal, but some are more equal than others."
All morality (and by extension, lack thereof) is an imposition. The far more interesting question is what's getting imposed.
You're entitled to your beliefs, but don't impose them on me or on the Catholic Church.
May 1, 2013 at 5:58 pm
The poor woman needs help. This attention seeking is a cry for help.
Either that or she is barking mad.
In any event she needs help
May 1, 2013 at 9:35 pm
Yeah, okay, most of you “imbeciles” writing these oh so profound and enlightened comments on this (and others) site have not the faintest idea of what is going on in this age so you continue to spin your wheels. Let me help you out:
The time and place to solve and nip this in the bud was about 2 to 3 generations ago. You (a/k/a man) failed. There was no vigilance but much pride. And those few poor souls that were vigilant you demonized and were labeled trouble makers and “the problem” as they are being demonized today. This, this, ALL OF IT, did not just happen overnight. And it ain’t the economy stupid. It is the lack of humility that IS the problem. LOVE is and always has been the only answer to all of man’s problems. Bitching and moaning now in the thick of it, is doing absolutely no good other than confirming what I already know of you people. Your “activists” are no better than “their” activists and it truly frightens me. Why? Because ya’ll call yourselves good Catholics. Knock it off! Shut the hell up, get on your knees and fervently pray, pray long pray hard and pray often!
. . . and if you think otherwise, well, the good angels are the ones who always begin: “Be not afraid.”
May 2, 2013 at 1:02 am
Isn't there some sort of public exposure/indecency laws that she violated?
May 2, 2013 at 5:34 am
I can see from an artistic point-of-view what see was saying. For one thing, it is called the Naked Parade (that is enough to tell you what you might expect); second, the Popes have always, with a small mention of Pope Emeritus Benedict, about Catholics not using condoms-yet she was passing them out; third, the cross in the public area probably represents how the Catholic faith is putting rules on sex and women's bodies; fourth she was not afraid about what and how she practiced what she believes. Perhaps it was in poor taste as the Pope, but if there was a female Pope, would there be advocating of condom use?
May 2, 2013 at 6:16 am
If the woman had similarly offended the Jews, she would be facing a massive lawsuit. If the woman had similarly offended Muslims, she would be facing a lethal fatwa. Since the woman has freely chosen to offend God and His Church, she may have someone to pray for her soul.
May 2, 2013 at 10:26 pm
Please. Go to a university. Dress like a Hassidic Jew from the waist up and shave your pubic hair in the Star of David. Hand out holocaust-denying texts. Think you won't get arrested?
Dress up in blackface, waist up, pubic hair looks like a monkey, and talk in mock urban style. Hand out nooses.
Dress up in muslim garb from the waist up; pubic hair looking like Mohammed. Hand out money wrapped in bacon.
Dress like Obama. Pubic hair all bloody. Hand out fake bullets.
Now, why did she not get arrested again? Just because her hatred and violence-inciting actions were directed at Catholics???