We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2013

My Daughter’s Assigned Reading Worries Me

My kids all go to Catholic school. This is a new school and I haven’t completely made up my mind about it. I loved our parish school which was closed down last year due to lack of children. I see… Continue Reading →

Full Vid of Chaplain Emil Kapuan Posthomously Receiving the Medal of Honor

Absolutely worth watching. An amazing story about an amazing man. For the full story, read this. It’s amazing. Among the dying, Capt. Emil Kapaun traded his watch for a blanket at a North Korean prison camp—and cut the blanket up… Continue Reading →

Gun Banning Bishop’s Incompetency

Bishops do the Church no favors when they weigh in on public policy debates outside of their competency. Perhaps the person doing the most damage in this regard is Bishop Blaire of “we are so liberal we’re bankrupt” Stockton, CA…. Continue Reading →

Pope Pius X on “Insane Dreamers, Rebels, and Miscreants.”

This stunning quote from Pope Pius X in his “Notre Charge Apostolique” in 1910 is perfect for our times: “Venerable Brethren, We must repeat with the utmost energy in these times of social and intellectual anarchy when everyone takes it… Continue Reading →

A Heartbreaking Tale Of Staggering Indifference

Please pray for the soul of Rehtaeh Parsons, just 17. Two years ago she was raped by four boys during which they smiled and gave the thumbs up in photos. They spread these photos around destroying her over and over… Continue Reading →

Gay Marriage is About Gender, Not Just Sexuality

If I were hit by a bus today and killed, my wife would eventually worry about the children not having a male role model in our children’s lives. She would see that my son needed a man to emulate, someone… Continue Reading →

Girls Lift 3,000 lb. Tractor to Save Dad

“Mr. McGee, don’t make me angry. You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.” This is an amazing story. A man flips his tractor and becomes pinned underneath. His feeble cries are heard by his 2 teenage daughters. Desperate, they try… Continue Reading →

John Hopkins Reverses, Recognizes Pro-Life Student Group

This is some good news. You probably remember that Johns Hopkins University refused to recognize a pro-life student group. Pro-lifers were outraged. And now, it seems that the university is reversing itself and the group would now possibly be eligible… Continue Reading →

Dominican Sisters Rockin’ the Semifinals of The American Bible Challenge

If you’re not watching the American Bible Challenge you’re missing out on a lot of fun. It’s impossible to watch this and not smile. *subhead*Winning.*subhead*

Planned Parenthood Nurses Quit, Citing ‘Ridiculously Unsafe,’ Filthy Clinic Conditions

After a series of botched abortions at a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic in Delaware that led to at least five women being rushed to emergency rooms since the beginning of the year, two former nurses have quit the clinic and… Continue Reading →

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