Tolerance through disemboweling. Awwww. I know the Second City folks who made this would say, it’s just comedy. But it’s not funny. It’s a political point made by a frustrated mind. *subhead*Totalitolerance.*subhead*
@RussellCrowe tweeted Pope Francis numerous times yesterday, begging him to watch his new film “Noah.” Begging. Dear Holy Father @Pontifex @Pontifex_it @DarrenAronofsky #Noah film. Screening?The message of the film is powerful , fascinating , resonant — Russell Crowe (@russellcrowe) February… Continue Reading →
You might recall this famous quote from the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, except very little ones and taxpayer funds MUST be given to those determined to kill very… Continue Reading →
Please find the original NCR story below. . . . Pope Francis and the SSPX: An Opportunity By PATRICK ARCHBOLD By now, many of you have probably seen the Tony Palmer video last week that was so exciting to many…. Continue Reading →
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