We Laugh Because We Believe

Day May 18, 2016

Woman Likely Killed for Refusing to Abort Child

A mother, Candace Pickens, by all reports was a good mother to her son, Zachaeus. Sadly, it seems she may have just been killed for refusing to abort another child, according to the Washington Post. “When she found out she… Continue Reading →

Trump Releases Possible Supreme Court Justices

This Trump is a smart guy. He understands that there are a lot of conservatives who have no intention of voting for him in the presidential election vs. Hillary. So what does he do? He hits conservatives right in the… Continue Reading →

British Morning TV Host is Visibly Upset as Truth of Abortion is Explained

A British morning television host, Holly Willoughby, is horrified as the truth of abortion is explained. Even while a pro-choice person on the panel attempts to obfuscate. Willoughby is a mother of three. She has a completely sane and human… Continue Reading →

South Carolina Passes Fetal Pain Law, Limiting Abortion to 19 Weeks

South Carolina passed a bill yesterday prohibiting abortion to 19 weeks. They’re the 17th state to limit abortion after five months citing the unborn child’s ability to feel pain. Governor Nikki Haley is expected to sign the legislation into law… Continue Reading →

Bathrooms are the New Civil Right?

Attorney General Loretta Lynch said at this bathroom issue is the new civil rights issue. So Rosa Parks sitting down on a bus seat is equal to some dude in a dress sitting down on a public toilet? Seriously? This… Continue Reading →

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