I’m so old I can remember when a man beating up a woman was bad.
Imagine a woman working her entire life to be an Olympian and then having your dreams smashed by the woke ambitions of progressive totalitarians.
This poor boxer is forced to fight a male fighter pretending to be female. She stopped the bout and refused to shake hands with the man pretending to be a woman.
Female boxer abandons her fight early against trans opponent.
— Defiant L’s (@DefiantLs) August 1, 2024
Y'all think this is justified or disrespectful? pic.twitter.com/PmGH7WP7Aj
August 1, 2024 at 1:32 pm
This is wrong and disgraceful in every way. Obviously, it’s beyond the pale for a male to presume to be female and vice versa but it’s also beyond the pale for females to take up a man’s sport like boxing.
August 2, 2024 at 8:28 pm
Equallity depends on social sacrifice.
If men and women don’t give all they are in marriage, family and fidelity to our state in life, we can’t ask it of trans or gays. We can’t believe in equality and hold special privileges for ourselves
Humane vitae was right, but nobody has gone further down the rat hole than the USA
It’s inexorable because equality is our calling card; it has always steered us safely through revolution, civil war, civil rights; founded on the proposition that all men are created equal, as Lincoln said.
Heresy wormed in to the national creed with contraception, and it undoes everything else
Men want liscence; so do women, who won’t be left holding the baby. They must have abortion to be equal. Fornication, divorce ,Euthanasia, IVF, gay marriage all fell like rotted cultural flesh, and now trans is here. It doesn’t have to make sense when the rest of the culture is riding high with what they want