Oh my. A children’s show run by a trans person and a teddy bear reading a book...
Yahoo News is running this headline on their home page. Up Top. Screaming headline. The Epstein list:...
Jordan Peterson had this great insight about how things just don’t change and that the story of...
These are the same people who consider themselves feminists. How does this not end in tragedy? The...
Uh. What? The heresy factory known as the Methodist Church states that ministers should refrain from using...
Pope Francis’ new document seems to allow for the blessings of same sex unions that doesn’t bless...
It is reported that this miracle has taken place since at least 1389. Amazing. When this happens,...
I hope Chick-Fil-A tells them to pound sand. KFox TV: A new bill introduced would require any...
This will at least make them pause. This’ll confuse them for a bit… https://t.co/3GnD4VzMrD — m o...
What a shock. A mentally unstable man did unspeakable things to innocent victims. Wonder if PA Governor...