This is a pretty remarkable story of horror and forgiveness. Rosario Rodriguez runs her own Catholic blog if you want to check her out.
The Crescat has been chosen to go to Rome for the big blog meeting. She needs a little help getting there so if you can help her out please check her out. Hide your Swiss Guards, hide Gorgeous George…I’m going… Continue Reading →
Dear Kevin Knight, As you are the editor of New Advent I am imploring you to justify yourself immediately to CMR. I was surfing the world wide interwebs today and I thought to myself that I would check out your… Continue Reading →
Patrick and I almost never link to or so this post may seem a little weird coming from us. The reason we almost never link to them is because when we first started this blog about four years… Continue Reading →
Maggie Gallagher, whom I agree with on many issues, wrote a line in her review of “Julie and Julia” that jumped out at me. And not in a good way. She wrote of the main character Julie, this line:”Julie is… Continue Reading →
I took part in a podcast on Faith and Family Live. It was fun. They called it “Dad in the House” which sounds like I’m starring in a new sitcom but I’m not.Take a listen. This week on the Faith… Continue Reading →
According to LifeSite News, my brother Patrick has hit the big time. In a story about Miguel Diaz, they write: The appointment of so many nominal Catholics to top positions in the Obama government has prompted one prominent writer and… Continue Reading →
10) Pictures of families are posted in widescreen so that Mary, Therese, James, Peter, Matthew, Bridget, Mark, Luke, and John Paul all fit in while holding the baby. 9) There’s a quote from GK Chesterton on either the sidebar or… Continue Reading →
Please see update at the bottom of this post. Many Catholic and/or conservative blogs are being mysteriously flagged and their proprietors are being locked out of their own blogs without reason. Happy Catholic has been marked as spam and frozen…. Continue Reading →
“With great power comes great responsibility” This famous quote is from one of the great minds of the 20th century, Stan Lee. (Yes I know it is actually a paraphrase of something Churchill said. Never mind.) I find this particular… Continue Reading →
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