We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Humor

Motu Proprio Watch: Noises and Rumors of Noises

You will hear of noises and reports of rumors; see that you are not alarmed, for these things must happen, but it will not yet be the end. Progressives will rise against orthodox, and blogger against blogger; there will be… Continue Reading →

Pope’s Last Ditch Effort Cancelled

Dateline Next Week — Sao Paolo Brazil When Pope Benedict XVI arrived in this sprawling city Wednesday for a five-day visit to the world’s formerly most populous Roman Catholic country, he found that there were actually no Catholics left in… Continue Reading →

Motu Proprio Watch: Breaking News

It has recently been reported that Pope Benedict XVI has personally composed a letter to the Bishops to accompany the ‘Motu Proprio’ when it is released. Well, the intrepid reporters here at the CMR have managed to obtain a copy… Continue Reading →

Ecuminism in the Alpha Quadrant

The Church reaches out to all people regardless of race , nationality, color, or even planetary origin. CWN Pope Benedict XVI met on April 30 with the government leader of the principality of Andorra. The Pope welcomed the president of… Continue Reading →


Talk about taking it down to the wire. CWN is reporting Miss Xu Song of Taiwan was baptized this past Easter. What is the big deal you ask? Well, Miss Xu Song is 114 years old. Now, I have been… Continue Reading →


A few weeks ago we had a visiting Priest at my parish. From his opening greeting I knew that this was a priest who likely looks at the General Instruction of the Roman Missal as mere silly suggestions. “Oh well,… Continue Reading →

Easter Sunday Mass: The Art of Distraction

My wife and I usually tag-team mass on Sunday. One of us goes to Mass early—and by early I mean 10:30 a.m.—and the other stays home with the four knuckleheads (children). Then we switch. The other spouse goes to the… Continue Reading →

I am a Loser!

The world renowned commentator and philosopher Libya’s Colonel Muammar Qaddafi states that “all those believers who do not follow Islam are losers.” And that Jesus was not crucified, and that Christianity is not a true world religion. And now………wait for… Continue Reading →

Motu Proprio Watch

Father Z. is linking to a story in Die Welt that states that the matter is decided and that an accompanying letter to the bishops has already been prepared. Interesting stuff. Father Z. also relates some speculation that the Pope… Continue Reading →

St. Rupert of Salzburg – Feast Day March 27

According to Catholic Online:Bishop and missionary. With the patronage of Duke Thedo of Bavaria, he took over the deserted town of luvavum about 697, which was renamed Salzburg, Austria. Therefore he is directly responsible for one of the greatest movie… Continue Reading →

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