These are two items that underpin and inform my view of the whole global warming issue. I will let them speak for themselves. The first is an article from today in which the head of NASA questions whether humans should… Continue Reading →
The girls want a television in their room. This is one of the first of the conversations in their lives that will end in their frustration. They don’t have any idea why I’m saying “no.” I tell them I just… Continue Reading →
Here’s my favorite quote of the day. This from Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger during his trip to Canada: “I’m a Catholic and a very dedicated Catholic, but that doesn’t interfere with my decision-making.” Oh good. My question is if your religion… Continue Reading →
My soul doth magnify the Lord. And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid; for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.Because he that is mighty, hath done great… Continue Reading →
John Allen has a piece in the New York Times on the Motu Proprio. Father Z. does a great job of analyzing the article here. While I agree with much of what John Allen has to say on the topic,… Continue Reading →
“Saint Anthony, Saint Anthony, please come around. Something is lost and cannot be found.” I learned that little prayer when I was a kid and mumble it whenever I lose something –which is often. The prayer usually works as I… Continue Reading →
Hole the pickle, hold the lettuce, hold all those rules that so upset us. Ed Kuhlman likes his Catholicism made to order. He likes some of the trappings, but those pesky rules have got to go. Ed wasn’t ‘comfortable’ in… Continue Reading →
I am not getting my hopes to high, but just for the record: Der Spiegel is reporting that the Motu Proprio is coming this week. I don’t put too much credence in this particular report but I will keep my… Continue Reading →
4 Months, 3 Weeks, and 2 Days is a Romanian film on back-alley abortion and daily despair in the communist era which won the Cannes film festival’s top award, the Palme d’Or earlier this week. Of course. It’s a formula… Continue Reading →
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WaPost Hit Piece on Burke
Archbishop Burke must be doing something right if he deserves an absolute hit piece in the Washington Post. This piece is something to behold. The piece runs through the litany of areas where Archbishop Burke has tried to bring his… Continue Reading →