When Terry McAuliffe has the moral high ground, you know you are in trouble. [Politico]I would also say, and I gotta add a personal thing, I never like it when someone works for someone and then comes out and writes… Continue Reading →
CNN’s Anti-Catholic Spin—In story about Vatican, CNN interviews Anglicans. That makes sense. From Cool to Uncool—Conversion is a One Way Street The Polygamist Next Door—If you are picturing blonde headed crying Mormons, think again! There’s A Black Man Stealin’ My… Continue Reading →
Well, the Vatican’s Congregation for Religious Doctrine released a statement clarifying a point in the governance of the Church: if you are a woman and attempt being ordained, or if you are a bishop who attempts the ordination, you incur… Continue Reading →
There’s no way to avoid all the media hype around former White House spokesperson Scott Mclellan essentially coming out against President George W. Bush and the White house. It’s everywhere. Keith Olberman and Chris Matthews are lionizing him for telling… Continue Reading →
You’ve heard of them. They have been in the news lately. They seem like you and me. But they are a community within a community. But they are different. They do something that seems alien to us. Something anathema. I… Continue Reading →
There’s A Black Man Stealin’ My Show—Catholic Priest says you are a white supremacist if you don’t want Obama. Atheist Summer Camp—Mocking Religion and Canoeing Burke’s Inquisition Backed By The Inquisition—CDF backs Archbishop Burke in St. Stan’s / Fr. Bozek… Continue Reading →
This video must be seen to be believed. This is the Rev. Michael Pfleger speaking at Jeremiah Wright’s Church. Fr. Pfleger is a Roman Catholic Priest who is in the Obama camp. Sorry, I take that back. It is much… Continue Reading →
Archbishop Burke has sometimes been accused of conducting his own inquisition in the whole sordid St. Stan’s / Fr. Bozek debacle. Well, now comes word that the actual Inquisition (CDF) has confirmed that Archbishop has acted properly and confirmed his… Continue Reading →
Hey, you’re kids looking for something to do over the summer? Camp Quest might be your answer. It’s the first residential summer camp in the history of the United States for the children of Atheists or “Brights” as they like… Continue Reading →
Ipods are Woobies—Lose Your Security Blanket Suicide Through Slumber—Europe attempts suicide, will God let it die? Boy Scouts Booted For Barring Gays—Political Correctness Has Real Victims Couple Tries to Sell Baby on Ebay—Guess for how much? Greatest Play in Baseball… Continue Reading →
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