We Laugh Because We Believe

Month January 2011

Mom Jailed for Sending Kids to Better School

Locking children into failing schools just wasn’t enough. Now, we’re locking up mothers for trying to send their kids to better schools. This is madness. A mother has been sent to jail for lying about her residence because she was… Continue Reading →

11 Craziest Things I’ve Ever Heard at Mass

1) Whispered by a father in the pew behind me to his children: “When we get to the car I’m testing all of you on what the gospel was. And if you get it wrong you’re dead.” 2) Whispered by… Continue Reading →

Ecumenism Is Obligatory

So sayeth the Pope. At a January 25 Vespers service closing the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Pope Benedict XVI said that ecumenical work is a “moral imperative” for all Christians. The Holy Father reminded the congregation at the… Continue Reading →

Freed from Jail as It Conflicted with Sex Change

A loony judge in the UK has freed a convicted drug dealer from prison because it conflicts with his scheduled sex change operation. Oh wait, his taxpayer funded sex change operation. I Hate the Media reports: A transsexual drug dealer… Continue Reading →

Chicago Salesman Fired for Packers Tie

Sometimes life is exactly like sitcoms. I love this story for so many reasons. First, you got the overreacting car dealer owner who acts irrationally and fires a salesman for wearing a Green Bay Packers tie. He had to have… Continue Reading →

Do You Trust Chris Christie?

Chris Christie, the first pro-life Governor of New Jersey. That’s a pretty awesome moniker for a guy who used to be publicly pro-choice. But in many ways Christie in power has been very conservative. His very public battle with the… Continue Reading →

10 Things I’d Rather Do Than Watch SOTU

I have zero intention of watching tonight’s State of the Union speech by President Obama. To give you an indication of how much I intend to NOT watch the speech here’s a list of things I’d rather do than watch… Continue Reading →

The Faith Of Fringe

I find myself in a strange situation. One of my favorite shows on television is a show I gave up on halfway through the first season. Fringe. I gave up on the show halfway through the first season because I… Continue Reading →

Pro-Life American Idol

Great find from Kathryn Lopez at The Corner. For all the great work done in the Catholic blogosphere sometimes I wonder if Kathryn Lopez might be the best Ctholic blogger out there. Anyway, here’s a touching story from American Idol… Continue Reading →

Father Barron on 41%

Father Barron has this knack for saying the exact thing I would say if my IQ were a lot higher. Another great one from Fr. Barron. HT World on Fire

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