Jake Tapper reports all you need to know about how the condescender in chief negotiates. Boehner said at one point that “it’s clear to all of us how big this spending problem is. Congress keeps voting for programs we can’t… Continue Reading →
This letter is just awesome. It was sent to I Own the World from a person with an increasingly militant vegan roommate. It’s a must read for hilarity purposes only. The internet was invented so that lunacy like this would… Continue Reading →
Horror. Health inspectors in Pennsylvania inspected a controversial Allentown abortion clinic and found unsanitary equipment, blood splattered walls, unsterilized equipment with brown crud on them, equipment with expiration dates in 2003, and the bottom shelf of a freezer was coated… Continue Reading →
TV makes people into zombies. You ever watch someone watch television? It’s a horror. They look like humans but turned off. Even watch someone watch a sitcom. They don’t laugh. They just stare. I used to watch my little brother… Continue Reading →
I am conflicted on the execution of horrendous murderer Humberto Leal in Texas. I am not conflicted because I think that executing him was the right thing to do. I don’t. But I am conflicted about almost everything else to… Continue Reading →
I don’t think I will sleep tonight after watching this. It’s bad enough knowing Charlie Sheen is on the loose right now but then THIS…????
This is the lib who was hatin’ on poor Chris Christie last week saying he wanted to smack him upside the head or something and calling him a punk. In this video, he’s attacking Christie again and God takes exception…. Continue Reading →
Isn’t it ironic that I find pretty much everything written at CNN’s “Belief blog” unbelievable? Steven Prothero, a Religion Professor at Boston University, in dealing with the question of possible sainthood for Dorothy Day wonders whether Catholics can abide a… Continue Reading →
I was born a Catholic but that doesn’t mean I knew anything about the faith until I decided to investigate the faith for myself in college. In my research, I came across a number of things that weren’t true that… Continue Reading →
Corapi has issued a response the the SOLT press release of the other day. I was going to write “issued a defense” but I couldn’t do it with a straight face. Why? Because it would be the worst defense ever…. Continue Reading →
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