We Laugh Because We Believe

Month April 2012

Other Than Honorable

There is a story making the rounds of Marine who is being other than honorably discharged from the Corps for criticizing Obama on Facebook. As much as I would love to criticize the Obama administration for another speech stifling overreach,… Continue Reading →

Lying To Tell The Truth

Human nature being what it is, the best way to insure the other guy benefits is to lie, cheat, and steal. I loved this. Via Ace

What Biotech Needs? Prayer!

Over the years, I have given a lot of talks on biotechnology.  I have one on the ethics of genetic testing.  I have one on the ethics of human genetic engineering and one on stem cell research and cloning. My… Continue Reading →

Dial M. For Conspiracy

If I knew I was part a grand cover-up and a conspiracy, I would have dressed nicer. Black. Black would have been a good color for a conspiracy, don’t you think? Stephen K. Ryan of MinistryValues.com has accused me and… Continue Reading →

Catholics May Cost Obama Re-Election

What Catholics give, Catholics might just take away. As you might remember a majority of self professed Catholics voted for Mr. Hopenchange. But now, just because Obama wants to take away a little teeny tiny thing called reliigous liberty, the… Continue Reading →

The Future Is Now: Self Driving Cars

Patrick wants.

German Ash Holes

Today is a great day. I actually get to use the term “German Ash Holes” as my title secure in the knowledge that it is 100% accurate. I am serious. A growing number of people in the Federal Republic of… Continue Reading →

New Law Would Force Churches to Accept Gay Marriage

A city council is weighing a proposed ordinance that would force churches in the Kansas town to rent their facilities for gay weddings. This kind of thing nationwide is inevitable. Folks who are for gay marriage see it as a… Continue Reading →

They Grow So Fast

It seems like this sometimes, doesn’t it? These clever parents took this video for all these years. I wish I thought of that.

Rap: I’m Pregnant and I Know It!

Shamelessly stolen from Chelsea Zimmerman

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