I don’t know whether it’s the sheer inhumanity or simply the timing of this latest video from Live Action in relation to the Gosnell trial but this one seems to have broken through the typical media blackout of their pro-life… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Combat evil with good.*subhead* From the theoretical horrors of “In vitro eugenics,” to the real horrors of Kermit Gosnell’s abortuary and the bombings at the Boston Marathon, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the evil in the world. To… Continue Reading →
In a discussion about an NBA player coming out as gay, ESPN commentator Chris Broussard said on the air that he’s a follower of Jesus Christ and believes that homosexuality is against God’s law. “I’m a Christian,” he stated. “I… Continue Reading →
Here’s your feel-good photo of the day. I’m not saying that if you do a good deed your reward will always be in this world but it’s sometimes nice when it happens that way. HT Cheezburger.com *subhead*Nice.*subhead*
Things are spinning out of control. The last ditch effort of the progressives to impose their contrary will upon the Church is in full swing. Full swing. [ht Rorate] Germany’s top Roman Catholic has called for women to be allowed… Continue Reading →
A female student at Carnegie Mellon dressed up as the Pope from the waist up and naked from the waist down passed out condoms to other students at an annual art school parade. To make it even slightly more offensive,… Continue Reading →
Dr. Cesare Santangelo, the abortionist who was caught on Live Action’s latest undercover video saying he would let a baby die if they were born alive, called Lila Rose and the members of Live Action “terrorists.” Seriously. A man who… Continue Reading →
A doctor in Australia has said that a Melbourne couple recently aborted a child at 19 weeks because they wanted a boy. The doctor, who was pro-life refused to refer them to an abortionist. Now, it’s become quite a fracas… Continue Reading →
LGBT activist Masha Gessen says the truth about the fight over gay marriage. “It’s a no-brainer that the institution of marriage should not exist,” she said to an audience that broke out into applause. This is refreshing and troubling at… Continue Reading →
It is always darkest before the dawn. 50 years on from the birth of a lie known as the ‘spirit’ of Vatican II, I believe we are nearing the end of the era of dissidence. That said, I think we… Continue Reading →
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