We Laugh Because We Believe

Month May 2014

Awww, look at the adorable parasitic foreign organism sucking the life out of you.

Slate Magazine just published this piece that would be hilarious if it were meant as satire. Sadly, it’s not. Rebecca Helm, a PhD candidate at Brown University thank you very much, acknowledges Mothers Day by apologizing to her for forming… Continue Reading →

The Devil You Say!

Gotta give credit where credit is due. Pope Francis is not shy about talking about the Devil to a world (and a Church) that believes they have moved past such things. The Washington Post has written an article on the… Continue Reading →

Could An SSPX Reconciliation Be In the Works?

As they say….Very interesting… Earlier today I got a mail from a reader that informed my that Bishop Williamson, formerly of the SSPX, warned of an impending reconciliation between the SSPX and Rome. The news is that the modernists in… Continue Reading →

Was Your Child Fathered by Thomas Lippert?

This is a very disturbing website. A man recently learned that he is not the father of his daughter. He and his wife are shocked because it turns out that the biological father was a man who worked at the… Continue Reading →

Science, Saints, and the Shroud of Turin

Please read my latest at the Register in which we see that science has confirmed something about the sufferings of the man on the Shroud of Turin that the saints already knew. Fascinating. Truly. Please check it out at the… Continue Reading →

Kevin Durant’s Speech to His Mom: “You’re the Real MVP”

I know this has been everywhere but it’s pretty darn moving, especially just in time for Mother’s Day. Upon receiving his MVP award, the Oklahoma City Thunder’s Kevin Durant made a really wonderful acceptance speech, one filled with gratitude and… Continue Reading →

Scott Hahn to Mundelein

My favorite bearded Catholic author Scott Hahn will be teaching at Mundelein Seminary next year. I read pretty much everything he writes…except for the real smarty pants stuff that I don’t understand. The idea of Scott Hahn and Fr. Barron… Continue Reading →

It Depends on What You Mean By Terrorist and Torture

Hillary Clinton’s State Department refused for years to place the al Qaeda-linked militant group Boko Haram on the list of terrorist organizations even after taking part in bombings and kidnappings, the Daily Beast reports. Some are now saying that refusal… Continue Reading →

More Adult Diapers than Baby Diapers in Japan

This line from the AP story about the lack of babies being born has this disturbing line that really says it all: In Japan, sales of adult diapers will exceed sales of baby diapers this year, according to Euromonitor International,… Continue Reading →

Kasper: Pope Thinks 50% of Marriages Not Valid

For the record. In an interview with Cardinal Kasper in Commonweal. CWL: In your address to the consistory, you ask whether we can, “in the present situation, presuppose without further ado that the engaged couple shares the belief in the… Continue Reading →

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