We Laugh Because We Believe

Year 2016

Nuns Release Christmas Carols CD

The community of Benedictine nuns based in Missouri have released an album full of Christmas carols. It sounds pretty awesome if you listen to the video below. “Our greatest hope is that these songs will truly ‘lift up our hearts’… Continue Reading →

Study on Same-Sex Parenting Promptly Ignored

Here’s the chart that tells you all you need to know about why this study is being completely ignored: I know it’s a shock to you but same sex parenting has some negative effects on children. I know, right? I… Continue Reading →

Cardinal Pell: How Can You Disagree with a Question?

We’re always told to not be afraid to ask a question. I guess it’s different if you’re a Cardinal. Lifesitenews.com: Australian Cardinal George Pell called the four cardinals’ letter to Pope Francis asking for moral clarification on Amoris Laetitia “significant” in an… Continue Reading →

Texas to Implement Rules Requiring Burial or Cremation of Fetal Remains

This is one of the most counter-cultural state laws to occur in recent memory. No, it’s not a law restricting abortion but it is a law which recognizes the humanity of the unborn. The Texas Tribune reports that the Texas… Continue Reading →

The Worst Nativity Sets. Ever.

It can be argued that we’ve messed up Christmas pretty bad. As evidence I present this list of the Worst nativity scenes. Ever. First, I give you the hipster nativity. You’ve got the wisemen on Segways (wearing sunglasses to boot),… Continue Reading →

Euthanasia Law Used to Kill Alcoholic

The good news is that passing assisted suicide laws leads to a decrease in the number of drunks and sad people. I mean, who wants drunks and sad people around, right? Because you never hear of sad people getting happy… Continue Reading →

Writer Won’t Put Schilling In HOF

Can we just stop pretending here for a second. Dan Shaughnessy said he’s not voting for Curt Schilling for the baseball Hall of Fame because he tweeted out a joke about hanging journalists. AP: Former Cy Young award winner Curt… Continue Reading →

Dean of Rota Warns Pope Could Strip Card. Burke & others of Cardinalate

I don’t think there’s much chance of this happening. But if it did the Catholic Church blogosphere and Facebook would be very interesting places to be, never mind The Vatican. You thought Trump/Clinton was acrimonious. If this happens, it would… Continue Reading →

Homework or Cleaning?

Yesterday, I told my kids that we were all cleaning after they finished their assignments. Curiously, they all seemed to take a verrrrry long time with their work. Hmmmmmm. Update: My 16 year old worked on her homework until 10:30… Continue Reading →

First They Changed the Knife Into a Gun and Now They Can’t Figure Out the Motive

The Daily Caller points out that “It didn’t take long for the Monday knife attack at Ohio State University to turn into a gun control rallying cry.” Yeah, that happens. But the craziness around such an event leads to mis-reporting…. Continue Reading →

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