We Laugh Because We Believe

Author Rebecca Taylor

You Are Sentenced to 1,000 Years

*subhead*Justice or torture?*subhead* Just in case you haven’t had enough of the “ethics” coming out of Oxford these days, here are more disturbing musings by Oxford ethicist, Rebecca Roache. You may remember Roache co-authored “Human Engineering and Climate Change” with… Continue Reading →

Procreative Altruism: Lebensborn Re-imagined

*subhead*Himmler would have loved this.*subhead* You remember Julian Savulescu, the Oxford “ethicist” who is telling parents that we are morally obligated to choose the child among many “possible children” that is determined by genetic testing to have the “best life.”… Continue Reading →

Cloudy With a Slight Chance of Reason

*subhead*Liberalism.*subhead* I live in Washington State. Born and raised mostly in California, I am a transplant to the Evergreen State and find a lot about life here puzzling. We are one of the most liberal states in the Union. We… Continue Reading →

Funding Restrictions Stifle Cloning Research

*subhead*Don’t show them the money.*subhead* Unlike many other countries, the United States has no federal restrictions on cloning. Scientists can clone human embryos as much as they want, provided they have the human eggs to do it, and in many… Continue Reading →

Supreme Court Rules Human Genes Cannot Be Patented

*subhead*Yay! Common Sense.*subhead* Political cartoon by David Horsey Almost a year ago, I wrote “Owning Genes” here at Creative Minority Report. In that post I discussed the patenting of naturally occurring human genes and how that affects your health care…. Continue Reading →

Four Favors for the Frazzled Blogger

*subhead*Pretty please?*subhead* I think writing is hard. I was a chemistry major not an English major. And the niche I made for myself (or maybe a ditch I dug for myself) in the blogging world commenting on the latest in… Continue Reading →

New IVF Embryo Quality Control

*subhead*Human QC.*subhead* In manufacturing, quality control (QC) is very important. A manufacturer always wants to put out the best product and eliminate defective merchandise. The same is true of IVF. With as many as 30 embryos created for every live… Continue Reading →

Human Cloning is Back

*subhead*Lord, help us!*subhead* It is time to get on our knees and pray.  Human cloning is back. Once induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) hit the scene, human cloning slowly faded away. Why clone embryos with human eggs (exploiting women in… Continue Reading →

Is Sex-Selective IVF Harmless?

*subhead*Totally…not.*subhead* Aussie boy: “Hey Ma, where are we going on vacation this year?” Aussie mom: “We are doing something very special. We are going to circumvent the laws of our country and we are going to travel all the way… Continue Reading →

Little Everyday Good Things

*subhead*Combat evil with good.*subhead* From the theoretical horrors of “In vitro eugenics,” to the real horrors of Kermit Gosnell’s abortuary and the bombings at the Boston Marathon, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed by the evil in the world. To… Continue Reading →

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