*subhead*Danger, Will Robinson!*subhead* There is a dangerous philosophy emerging in our fast-paced, technology-driven world of which most people are totally unaware. And yet, when Francis Fukuyama, economist at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, was asked what idea… Continue Reading →
*subhead*DNA not Denim.*subhead* I spent many, many, many hours in the lab testing people for mutations known to cause cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is a genetic disease caused by mutations in a gene called the CFTR gene. If a person… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Puzzling contradictions.*subhead* As a former California girl, I am aware that my state of origin is full of contradictions like women who are on the Pill eating nothing but organically grown produce. Back in 2004 Californians overwhelmingly voted with Prop… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Taxes.*subhead* The other day the doorbell rang. Upon opening the door, I found two adorable girls, around age ten, asking me to support their cause by purchasing raffle tickets or magazines or some such. I quickly and forcefully said, “NO… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Hand-me-down womb.*subhead* I have seen a lot of marginalization of children with artificial reproductive technologies, but I think this may take the cake. Never in my life have I encountered such a callous disregard for the health and well-being of… Continue Reading →
*subhead*”The New Normal” ain’t normal.*subhead* In everything there is the Hollywood version, and then there is the reality. Unfortunately these days no one seems to be able to tell the difference. Which is why I find NBC’s “The New Normal”… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Mandates, mandates.*subhead* Since the Obama administration is so fond of fictional narratives, I thought I would write one too about Bill and Jill. Bill and Jill Green are entrepreneurs. The Greens met in college studying environmental engineering. Bill and Jill… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Mine does.*subhead* I hate to be so sensational, but I think it is important for parents to understand that your child’s DNA maybe stored in a state government facility and you have no idea. Impossible you say? You know that… Continue Reading →
*subhead*Again.*subhead* A while back I introduced Creative Minority readers to gene patents. In the 1980s, the United States Patent and Trademark Office started issuing patents for naturally occurring genes. Since then a quarter of our genes have been patented and… Continue Reading →
*subhead*1-2 punch of death*subhead* Everyone knows about Peter Singer, the utilitarian ethicist that argues for everything from euthanasia to infanticide. Many people do not know about his protégé Julian Savulescu. It is time to start paying attention. Who is Julian… Continue Reading →
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