We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Abortion

Pro-Lifers For ESC?

I was visiting with a friend and his wife recently and he was railing against Obama in a comical manner. Now, he’s a Christian and really conservative. He’s one of those who’s starting to joke about stocking canned goods and… Continue Reading →

Supreme Court Shakeup?

The Associated Press is reporting Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told law students Friday there could be an opening on the Supreme Court soon but didn’t hint at who might be leaving. Ginsburg, who spoke at New England Law’s annual “Law… Continue Reading →

That’s It! Steele Must Go

Michael Steele is not pro-life. And he must be replaced as the Chairman of the GOP as quickly as possible. Steele just did an interview with GQ which is quoted in The Politico. The key part of the conversation is… Continue Reading →

Good/Bad News in PA Senate Race

Conservative and pro-life Peg Luksik has declared her candidacy for Senate, challenging Arlen Specter for the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate next year, according to the AP. Now what’s interesting here is how this may or may not alter Pat… Continue Reading →

A Disturbing Thought

We’re in a deep financial crisis and yet President Obama still feels the need to spend taxpayer money on abortions and embryonic stem cell research. In fact we’ve spent so much money that our government has now emptied the pockets… Continue Reading →

A Pro-Life Senator from PA?

GrassrootsPA is reporting that former Congressman Pat Toomey, the current Club for Growth President, has announced that he may just run against Senator Arlen Specter in the primary. That is big news for people who care about the issue of… Continue Reading →

Obama Doesn’t Do Conscience UPDATED!

I don’t have a lot of time to write right now but Obama did what we all knew he would do. He’s seeking to rescind the conscience clause which respects the conscience of pharmacists, nurses and doctors not to be… Continue Reading →

Bishop Puts Senator on Notice?

Bob Casey of Pennsylvania ran for Senator as a pro-life candidate; a fact which clearly made his defeat of pro-life Senator Rick Santorum more likely. But recently, many believe Senator Bob Casey has not lived up to the rhetoric of… Continue Reading →

Holocausts and holocausts

Just a quick note – As a Catholic, I am offended and embarrassed by Bishop Williamson’s much publicized denial of the Holocaust. But you know what irks me even more? It’s when bishops and priests today ignore the holocaust going… Continue Reading →

Death by Mixed Signals

In the same week that Pope Benedict XVI urged Nancy Pelosi to recognize the “dignity of human life,” a California priest who publicly donated to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign has been elevated to the rank of monsignor. You think the… Continue Reading →

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