We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag embryonic stem cell research

Stem Cell Funding Shifts Toward Ethical Research

*subhead*Follow the money.*subhead* I have always said that if you want accurate information about stem cell research and its possibilities, you should be reading the business section. Anything else is probably misleading, hyped or even flat out lies. In other… Continue Reading →

Funding Restrictions Stifle Cloning Research

*subhead*Don’t show them the money.*subhead* Unlike many other countries, the United States has no federal restrictions on cloning. Scientists can clone human embryos as much as they want, provided they have the human eggs to do it, and in many… Continue Reading →

Adult stem cells help man recover from flesh-eating bacteria

A Georgia man stepped on a piece of glass and decided to fix the injury himself…with super glue.  (I use super glue to fix just about everything, but really?) Not surprisingly, it got infected.  Unfortunately for him, his foot was… Continue Reading →

Lose weight so you can donate organs?

A study done at the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine and Feinstein Institute for Medical Research showed that obesity is contributing to a “shortage of organs for donation.”  From Inquisitor.com In an analysis of 104 potential kidney donors, researchers… Continue Reading →

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