We Laugh Because We Believe

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Winning the Culture Wars One Yawn at a Time

My two favorite quotes of the day. The first is from Vicki Saporta, head of the National Abortion Federation. “The anti-choice folks have gotten smarter. They’re no longer talking about overturning Roe, because there would be a huge backlash, she… Continue Reading →

Woody Allen Catholicism

I don’t know when, how, or why, but the Church has collectively decided that the best way for it to proclaim the glorious message of salvation to a world desperately in need of it is timidity. Please read my thoughts… Continue Reading →

How Dads Show Love

My wife and I just had our 16th wedding anniversary. My kids were making fun of me about how often I underwhelm on these big days. The card and the flowers aren’t all that impressive, I guess. But my wife… Continue Reading →

Treating Those We Love Like Strangers

I was at the bookstore recently with my kids. The little ones were checking out the Legos while the older girls were lounging like hippies on beanbag chairs reading books we hadn’t bought. I noticed a mother was sitting nearby… Continue Reading →

If I Hated Women I Would…

If I hated women and I had the power, there are things I would do that would engulf the world in darkness. Please go to the Register and see all the things I would do if I truly hated women…. Continue Reading →

You Are Sentenced to 1,000 Years

*subhead*Justice or torture?*subhead* Just in case you haven’t had enough of the “ethics” coming out of Oxford these days, here are more disturbing musings by Oxford ethicist, Rebecca Roache. You may remember Roache co-authored “Human Engineering and Climate Change” with… Continue Reading →

You Might be a Bad Parent If…

You just can’t trust children to tell you you’re being a bad parent. Case in point: I knew I’d been fooled last week when the kids all started thanking me right after I paid the supermarket cashier. They’d waited until… Continue Reading →

10 Quotes That Prove The Pope Is A Liberal

The press has been telling us that Pope Francis, in word and deed, is no less than the total renunciation of Pope Benedict’s papacy. Just this weekend, there have been a flurry of articles praising the Pope for his statements… Continue Reading →

Procreative Altruism: Lebensborn Re-imagined

*subhead*Himmler would have loved this.*subhead* You remember Julian Savulescu, the Oxford “ethicist” who is telling parents that we are morally obligated to choose the child among many “possible children” that is determined by genetic testing to have the “best life.”… Continue Reading →

The Anglican Way: Porn and Gays

A few years back, Pope Benedict created the Ordinariate for disaffected Anglicans that thought that their religion had strayed from its Apostolic and biblical roots. A number of Anglicans made the move, but many more that have these concerns stayed… Continue Reading →

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