We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag gay marriage

New Law Would Force Churches to Accept Gay Marriage

A city council is weighing a proposed ordinance that would force churches in the Kansas town to rent their facilities for gay weddings. This kind of thing nationwide is inevitable. Folks who are for gay marriage see it as a… Continue Reading →

Priest Defies Archbishop, Receives Standing Ovation

Sensus fidelum baby! For all you non-brainiacs, that means priests don’t have to listen to Church teaching or their archbishop as long as they surround themselves with people who agree with them. It’s being reported that a priest is openly… Continue Reading →

Tolerance Nazis Threaten Little Girl

A 14 year old girl testified in Maryland in support of traditional marriage. Read what she wrote and then read some of the vile and threatening things written to her or about her by the tolerance Nazis. “Hi, I’m Sarah… Continue Reading →

Archie Comics’ Features Gay Wedding

If this isn’t a sign of the apocalypse I don’t know what is. Surprising thing, I always figured it would be Jughead that went that way. Goes to show, you never know, huh? This would be worse, I guess, if… Continue Reading →

How Social Issues Affect the Economy

The San Francisco Chronicle asks Tamara Scott of Concerned Women for America why people should care about social issues in light of the 2012 election, which seems to be shaping up to be about the economy and unemployment. Scott’s not… Continue Reading →

Perry Supports Constitutional Abortion Amendment

Rick Perry talks about low taxes which is all great but then he really starts saying the right things saying he supports a constitutional amendment against abortion and another one supporting traditional marriage. Guy’s got me intrigued.

Catholic Senator Embraced by Priest After Vote for Gay Marriage?

Catholic State Senator in New York Jim Alesi claims he was applauded at Mass and was embraced by his priest after his vote for gay marriage in New York. And then he gets even more offensive. Check out Thomas Peters… Continue Reading →

Where Was the Church on Gay Marriage?

In the gay marriage debate all the passion seems to be on the other side. People on our side are too busy caveating every argument with “I’m not anti-gay…” Here’s a rule – the side with the most caveats loses…. Continue Reading →

Gay Marriage Passes in NY

What a bunch of fools. They cheer the downfall of a once great civilization. The Politico reports: Striking what advocates believe is a historic victory for gay rights, the New York state senate Friday approved same-sex marriage, New York a… Continue Reading →

The Sportswriter vs. the Archbishop

The push for same sex marriage in New York has been filled with name calling and harsh accusations, mostly from the pro gay marriage side – you know, the so-called “tolerant” ones. Sportswriter Mike Lupica is a perfect example of… Continue Reading →

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