We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag julian savulescu

Procreative Altruism: Lebensborn Re-imagined

*subhead*Himmler would have loved this.*subhead* You remember Julian Savulescu, the Oxford “ethicist” who is telling parents that we are morally obligated to choose the child among many “possible children” that is determined by genetic testing to have the “best life.”… Continue Reading →

Boy Gets Kicked Out of School for His Genes

*subhead*DNA not Denim.*subhead* I spent many, many, many hours in the lab testing people for mutations known to cause cystic fibrosis (CF). CF is a genetic disease caused by mutations in a gene called the CFTR gene. If a person… Continue Reading →

Singer and Savulescu

*subhead*1-2 punch of death*subhead* Everyone knows about Peter Singer, the utilitarian ethicist that argues for everything from euthanasia to infanticide. Many people do not know about his protégé Julian Savulescu. It is time to start paying attention. Who is Julian… Continue Reading →

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