We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag priesthood

Married Priest Now Sleeping on Couch

The BBC is reporting that a married priest is saying that priests shouldn’t be married. Two things – 1) Is this really news? A priest agrees with the Church? Sadly, maybe it is. 2) I really hope his wife isn’t… Continue Reading →

Baseball Player Enters Priesthood

Here’s a sports story from ESPN that’s not about some professional player shooting up horse urine in order to put baseballs into orbit, it’s not about a football player kicking dogs or beating his wife, or a golfer cheating on… Continue Reading →

First AARP, Then Priesthood

A 63-year-old former Federal Aviation Administration worker and a 54-year-old retired Air Force officer were ordained deacons Saturday on their paths to becoming priests for the Archdiocese of Portland, according to The Catholic Sentinel. Rev. Mr. Tom Layton and Rev…. Continue Reading →

The Boxing Priest

The Lord is reputed to move in mysterious ways. However, few could have imagined the Almighty would advocate boxing as a way of spreading his message. Few, perhaps, except those who have come into contact with Father Max Pusceddu whose… Continue Reading →

Dumb or Dumber:The Larry Craig / Pete Townshend Defense

Monsignor Tommaso Stenico had a bad week. The Vatican said Saturday it was suspending Stenico after he was secretly filmed making advances to a young man and asserting that gay sex was not sinful during a television program on gay… Continue Reading →

A Black Mark on The Vatican

The Vatican has suspended a priest in the Holy See who acknowledged homosexual relations in a supposedly anonymous television interview with a black dot over his face, but was identified by superiors from background shots of his office, says Reuters…. Continue Reading →

Priest Sued for Sermon

OK. This is my new favorite story ever. I know I’ve said this before but this time I really mean it. You ever hear a sermon you didn’t like? Did you ever say anything? Well one man did and things… Continue Reading →

No Reverence for Eucharist?

This was a letter in Newsday to the “God Squad” that astounded me. Notice the self righteousness. I’d like to get your opinion about a very strict priest I encountered during my nephew’s first Communion. It was recommended that we… Continue Reading →

Good Reporting is Possible

There is a very interesting article in the Denver Post about Phil Webb. Webb, a husband and father, is a former Episcopalian priest who is now considering ordination to the priesthood under the pastoral provision. This article struck me in… Continue Reading →

No One Can Serve Two Masters

I was reading an article in America Magazine on what to look for in a partner to share the administrative burdens of a pastor. The opening part of the article describes the daily issues and duties that face priests and… Continue Reading →

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