So these are the anti-choice extremists that the media and the Department of Homeland Security would have us be so scared of. I don’t know. They look kinda’ joyful to me. Thanks to Frank Weathers
I found this video of Pope Benedict XVI visiting sick children really beautiful. And it reminds me of the beauty of love and how there’s no evolutionary reason for helping the weak and suffering. But we continue to love because… Continue Reading →
I couldn’t help but smile all through this video so I’ll show it to you guys. Even I get a little tired of being snarky about weighty issues all the time. Sometimes a video of a bay wrecking a room… Continue Reading →
Pretty fun video. If only all the other world leaders sent three year old’s to deal with this administration, we might actually get somewhere. HT The Blaze
This makes me want to move to Seattle. I’m not sure I’d feel safer but it’d just be a lot more interesting. But in fairness, think of the poor carjacker who has to explain to all his carjacking buddies that… Continue Reading →
You can fast forward the first minute and a half until he starts talking. Then it gets awesome.
I loved it. HT Right Network
Dude. I warn you. If you watch this, it may make you very nervous about our country’s safety. Obviously, this is a major flub. I’m not so much concerned about the man as I am about the communication going on… Continue Reading →
George from Convert Journal gives a little history of this little girl. That is, if 7 year old’s can have history. This is pretty amazing. Rhema Marvanne’s mom died of ovarian cancer when she was only 6. Now as a… Continue Reading →
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