We Laugh Because We Believe

Tag Voice of the Faithful

Schadenfreude Alert: VOTF in Peril?

I relay this information to you with a disclaimer. I (or the blog) am not responsible for any sinning that you do from here on out in this post. There is no joy to be found in the misfortune of… Continue Reading →

VOF Pushes For Married Priests

The Voice of the Faithful in a new attempt to stay relevant is now “launching” a new push to allow priests to marry. I’m not sure how this new push differs from the old push but let’s just say they’re… Continue Reading →

Pope Betray-Us

In a move reminiscent of the now infamous General Betray-Us ad which the liberal group Moveon.org ran in the New York Times, A Catholic lay group formed after the priest sex abuse scandal is raising money to run a full-page… Continue Reading →

Hire Hookers for Educators Now!

On the heels of a call for an end to the celibacy requirement by Voice of the Faithful, a new activist group (one that I just made up) called Hookers for Occupational Educators (HOE) released a statement today . According… Continue Reading →

Abuse Tied to Celibacy Requirement?

The Voice of the Faithful will “be calling for the Vatican to do an ecclesiastical review of the celibacy issue,” according to the New York Times. The group’s president, Mary Pat Fox, asked for the review because research showed “it… Continue Reading →

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