Because I have nowhere else to write these things down. Sorry.
American exceptionalism is not a boast, it is a challenge–a challenge to harvest the fruits of liberty and to share those fruits.
Liberty is a muscle, it only grows stronger when vigorously exercised.
The Constitution was intended as a shield against tyranny. A shield being preferable to other methods of defense.
As Christian conservatives we must always remember that the Consititution we cherish is but a means to an end, not the end itself.
When the American dream of the guarantee of liberty and opportunity is disowned in favor of equality, the only guarantee left is misery.
The worst chastisement that God can inflict on mankind is to let us have our way.
No Constitution can prevent a brutish people from cannibalizing their own liberty forever. Ours did better than most.
When liberty becomes license, virtue becomes taxable. And what you tax you get less of, which is probably the point.
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