We Laugh Because We Believe

Day April 10, 2014

Just in Time for Easter: Proof that Jesus was Married

Finally! Hey, you know I was thinking that it was almost Easter and there hasn’t been some shocking new revelation that Jesus wasn’t real or he was real but was actually just a plumber from Poughkeepsie (which oddly enough was… Continue Reading →

Notre Dame Students Protest Ann Coulter’s Hateful Rhetoric In Most Ironic Way Possible

Conservative commentator Ann Coulter came to speak at the University of Notre Dame. So horrified were some that they protested outside the event. But who they protested with is just a tad ironic. The student newspaper reports this precious nugget:… Continue Reading →

Jesus is Trending in Communist China

This is amazing news. According to internet activity it would seem that Christianity is a lot more popular than Communism in China right now. There is something beautiful going on in one of the most oppressive countries on the globe…. Continue Reading →

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