Had a little bit of a milestone in my training for the Philadelphia Marathon this week. For the first time ever, I ran 60 miles in one week capped by 20 miles today. I have run in the 50-55 range before in my other marathon prep, but never 60 before. I dunno, for some reason this seems big to me, like a statement of my seriousness this time.
This 60 mile week begins my most intense month of training that will have me hit 60 miles a week 2 more times. Please pray I remain healthy.
By the time I am done with my program, I will have run over a thousand miles in 6 months. My total weight loss is now at 57 lbs. The pace of loss has slowed considerably as I have picked up my eating during these more intense weeks, but I am still losing. 48 more days to the marathon. I just want to get there in one piece. So far so good.
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