The most disgusting thing I’ve read in years is in the Times (UK) entitled “Abortion: why it’s the ultimate motherly act.” Notice how this woman refers even to her own child as “it.”
Further research into the evidence behind the Discovery Channel Documentary shows conclusively that all the checks have cleared. Executive producer, Rosana Dana Dana is now quoted as saying “Never mind“. It is now being reported that the “Scholars” quoted in… Continue Reading →
Well, apparently the unannounced meeting with the Curia was about the upcoming trip to Latin America. Too bad, but we shouldn’t let facts get in the way of wild speculation. I will now hang my hat on the rumored Dr…. Continue Reading →
The V.I.S. is reporting that the Pope had an previously unannounced meeting with the heads of dicasteries of the Roman Curia today.[Begin Rumor Mill]Hmmm?They might have been discussing what the Pope wants for his birthday or maybe, just maybe, an… Continue Reading →
Get used to it folks, because this is only the beginning.Time magazine has an article on the expected “Motu Proprio” titled “A Step Backward for Pope Benedict?”.Remember, this is just a preemptive strike and when the document is released the… Continue Reading →
This is Tom Wolfe’s America and we are just living in it. Compare Wolfe’s excellent “Bonfire of the Vanities” to the Imus debacle. Stories of unbridled self interest and egotism both. Here you have a stupid and off-color comment from… Continue Reading →
A few weeks ago we had a visiting Priest at my parish. From his opening greeting I knew that this was a priest who likely looks at the General Instruction of the Roman Missal as mere silly suggestions. “Oh well,… Continue Reading →
In a reversal from the famous quote by Churchill that “History is written by the victors” it seems that history continues to be re-written by the victims. The Vatican’s ambassador to Israel, Monsignor Antonio Franco, said on Thursday that he… Continue Reading →
I would like to say a quick thanks to Danielle Bean for her kind link to our blog. We truly appreciate it. We also wish to welcome all of our first time readers and ask you to come back and… Continue Reading →
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Churchill and Chesterton vs. Modern Day England
There’s been much speculation lately concerning the fortitude and the future of Great Britain. Comparing six recent British actions to the words of two Giants of the 20th century leave me securely in the camp of “England’s in really Big… Continue Reading →