We Laugh Because We Believe

Month June 2007

I Am Both Muslim and Christian

The Rev. Ann Holmes, Episcopal Priest, and certified whacko has decided that she is both a Muslim and a Christian. Now, they are making it just too easy. I mean, c’mon, this almost seems like a setup. How is it… Continue Reading →

The Meek Inherit the Earth, the Loud Go To New Jersey

According to the AP, a Scranton nun quit her teaching job rather than comply with what she called an “insulting” demand for a letter declaring herself a practicing Catholic. Sister Regina Werntz called the request “personally demeaning” and also “insulting.”… Continue Reading →

Happy Father’s Day!!

Two Father’s Day anecdotes. One – My daughter told me last night that she put my Father’s Day present in a very safe place. So safe that in fact, she can’t remember where she put it. She told me I… Continue Reading →

Today On CMR – June 16, 2007

It Takes Courage to Attack Christians——Why don’t you pick on someone who shoots back? Friends Don’t Let Friends Read The NYT——What do you think when you hear the word ‘Christian’ The Times They are a Changin’ —— NOT!——LA Times: There… Continue Reading →

It Takes Courage to Attack Christians

Kudos to the bravery of Sony. The video game manufacturer has stood up to Christians and the Church of England. Wow! I mean nobody has the guts to stand up against Christians nowadays. Even the Prime Minister today gave his… Continue Reading →

Friends Don’t Let Friends Read The NYT

In the following video, people on the streets of New York are asked what they ‘think’ when they hear the words ‘Jesus’ and ‘Christian’. We use the word think very loosely here. The ‘Jesus’ reactions are unbelievably banal. We hear… Continue Reading →

Today on CMR – June 15, 2007

The Times They are a Changin’ —— NOT!——LA Times: There is getting it wrong, and getting it WRONG! Hey Kids — Big Ben, Parliament, Abortion Clinic——An after-school program, with a twist(ed). Harry Potter and the Fleetwood Approbation——Some good ‘Catholic’ perspective… Continue Reading →

The Times They are a Changin’ —— NOT!

Here’s the lede in the LA Times about Cardinal Roger Mahony earlier this week: A judge Wednesday ordered Cardinal Roger M. Mahony to testify in a lawsuit alleging that he failed to protect parishioners from a pedophile teacher, but then… Continue Reading →

Hey Kids, Big Ben, Parliament, Abortion Clinic

An after-school program for middle school students in New Hampshire were taken to visit a Planned Parenthood clinic. How fun? Of course they were taken without parental notification or permission. (Hey, you don’t even need parental notification to get an… Continue Reading →

Harry Potter and the Fleetwood Approbation

I must admit, I am a Harry Potter fan. I know that doesn’t sit well in some circles. Some see in Harry Potter the epitome of the glorification of the occult in modern society. I don’t, and apparently I am… Continue Reading →

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