These two article appeared within days of each other. It’s comical how different the takes are. This first one is from Sunday’s Washington Times on the effect of Summorum Pontificum: Roman Catholic churches nationwide are rushing to accommodate a surge… Continue Reading →
Do you Believe in Miracles—For those who believe no explanation is necessary, for those who don’t none will suffice. Jesus laterals to Peter…Peter to Paul…Paul laterals to Luke….. Two Takes on Tridentine Mass—A secular newspaper and a priest measure response… Continue Reading →
For those who believe no explanation is necessary, for those who don’t none will suffice. Jesus laterals to Peter…Peter to Paul…Paul laterals to Luke….. Trinity Football Tigers!
Fr. Wacko Progressive Condescending Dinosaur (aka Fr. Richard McBrien. I know name calling is often considered immature at worst and bad form at best, however I contend that name calling, when accurately and creatively done, ought be considered a public… Continue Reading →
The microphones have been set up for Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. The House floor is open for denunciations. The front page of the New York Times is waiting to be printed. I’m looking for the op-eds and countless columns… Continue Reading →
An interesting development in our culture is taking place that I think could end up being pretty damaging. It has to do with the recent “Values Voter” Conference. Enemies of value voters are not attacking them now of falling short… Continue Reading →
The Theology of Yes—I’ve come to decide enlightenment is a heavy philosophy, not suited to living. How Did We Get Here?—Rowan Williams ask ‘How did we get here?’ on abortion. A mirror might provide the answer. Atheists Host Pornographic Christian… Continue Reading →
As a young man I struggled with the faith and through my own sheer idiocy lost it almost altogether for a while. I remember with some shame those times I spoke out against the faith. I read atheistic philosophy. I… Continue Reading →
Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury, writes in the Observer commemorating the 40th anniversary of the 1967 Abortion act. Many supporters of the 1967 Act started from a strong sense of taking for granted the wrongness of ending an unborn life…. Continue Reading →
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