No Genetically Modified Jesus!—Priest to future idiots ― Don’t even think about it! Now I Feel Better About What We Do Here—Leading Jesuit endorses our blog…practically. I mean he might as well have. Who Said It?—Guess which Catholic said this… Continue Reading →
Imagine the Eucharist, the body and blood of Jesus, with some genes derived from bacteria that repel certain common pests? No? You obviously are not alone. Fr Sean McDonagh says that if gluten-free hosts are verboten, then you can count… Continue Reading →
According to the Norwich Bulletin, the Rev. James Martin says humor is good for the Catholic soul. Now we here at CMR are often accused of taking things too lightly. But we take our silliness very seriously. As the sign… Continue Reading →
Who said this infamous line? “The next Republican that tells me I’m not religious, I’m gonna shove my rosary beads down their throat!” H/T The Corner
The rumor mill is cranking and CNN is confirming that Sen. Joe Biden, the one person who likes to hear himself talk more than Obama, is the likely VP nominee. This promises to be very interesting as Biden has got… Continue Reading →
Gen. David Petraeus’ endorsement of a religious book is inciting a group of nuts to ask for his court martial. Petraeus, the American hero who completely turned around the situation in Iraq, has seen his thoughts published on an Army… Continue Reading →
A Bumper Crop!—No matter who Obama chooses, CMR has the bumper sticker! Far Too Busy To Want To Be Priests—If Catholics understood what a “powerful role women religious have,” they would never “feel sorry for us.” Devil Worship Promoted at… Continue Reading →
We at CMR like to be prepared. No matter who Obama chooses as his running mate, we have a bumper sticker ready to go! If Obama chooses Governor Tim Kaine of Virginia: If Obama chooses Joe Biden: If Obama chooses… Continue Reading →
The awesome Kathryn Jean Lopez of National Review writes today in the Wall Street Journal about the nonsensical Womenpriests and their mock ordinations. After providing some background, she then contrasts these unhappy women with other happy and apparently very busy… Continue Reading →
I was able to visit the Los Angeles Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels yesterday. More will be said on its architecture in a later post. However, I did visit the gift shop, which has many nice Catholic books… Continue Reading →
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