Mark Shea has an article on in which he takes on “Those Angry Traditionalists.” In this article Mark portrays “traditionalists”as unchristian wild-eyed conspiracy nuts who in their enthusiasm for the Latin Mass think that clown masses are the rule… Continue Reading →
Mark Shea’s Broad Brush—Columnist derides “Those Angry Traditionalists.” Fr. Barron on the New Batman Movie—The Joker, Batman, and Jesus. One of these things are not like the others. 72 Abortions for Every 100 Babies Born!—Is the problem a moral one?… Continue Reading →
According to Crain’s, in most of the United States, 24 abortions are carried out for every 100 live births. In New York, 72 abortions occur for every 100 live births. That is a staggeringly sad and horrifying number. The continuing… Continue Reading →
Everything to Democrats is moral except for the one issue that’s not. The left portrays everything except abortion as a choice between good and evil. Any mention of abortion opens you to accusations of forcing your morality on others. But… Continue Reading →
In recent days I have come across two items pertaining to former child actors who, counter-culturally, have become working Christian actors. The first is Jay Underwood. Jay made appearances at a young age in such movies as “The Boy Who… Continue Reading →
Henry VIII Could Not Be Reached For Comment—Episcopal diocese in Texas may be looking for communion with Rome. Naked In Nirvana?—Glorified bodies or not, let’s use some common sense! Comparing Kmiec to Kansas Clergy—You just know truth when you hear… Continue Reading →
According to the Dallas News, a group of Episcopal priests from Fort Worth paid a visit to Catholic Bishop Kevin Vann earlier this summer, asking for guidance on how their diocese might come into “full communion” with the Catholic Church…. Continue Reading →
At Homiletic & Pastoral Review, Fr. Kenneth Baker S.J. explores the subject of post resurrection regalia. After the resurrection while we walk around in our glorified bodies, will we be naked or will we wear clothes? Fr. Baker takes a… Continue Reading →
It amuses me to read about Catholics like Doug Kmiec on CBN News working night and day on fudging and fiddling with the language of the Democratic platform on abortion while the Bishops of Kansas speak so eloquently and simply… Continue Reading →
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