Mark Shea’s Broad Brush
—Columnist derides “Those Angry Traditionalists.”

Fr. Barron on the New Batman Movie
—The Joker, Batman, and Jesus. One of these things are not like the others.

72 Abortions for Every 100 Babies Born!
—Is the problem a moral one? Nah. It’s just really expensive.

Everything to the Left is Moral Except…
—The Left is a moralizing secular force determined to win over Christians.

Child Actors Gone … Mild
—Some do make it out alive.

Henry VIII Could Not Be Reached For Comment
—Episcopal diocese in Texas may be looking for communion with Rome.

Naked In Nirvana?
—Glorified bodies or not, let’s use some common sense!

Comparing Kmiec to Kansas Clergy
—You just know truth when you hear it.

New Planned Parenthood Ads Are Sad
—Not so much sad in the boo-hoo way but kinda’ creepy sad, if you know what I mean.

Saints in Beijing
—The Vatican fields a team of Saints, Old Testament prophets, and Apostles to bring home the Gold.

CDW: Leave God’s Name Out Of It
—YAHWEH not to be used in the liturgy.

Thinking Theologically About Liturgical Architecture
—When it comes to liturgical architecture, style is secondary.

An Open Letter to ABC News
—The media refers to Dems as “pro-life” and Republicans as “anti-abortion.”

The La Crosse Gudalupe Shrine and What it Means
—A direct attack on the tyranny of the Zeitgeist theory of cultural evolution.