We Laugh Because We Believe

Month March 2024

The Media’s Birth Control Cover Up Unravels.

Many women are now questioning taking the birth control pill. But they better not say anything about it online. The Washington Post is now attacking individuals who even question the side effects of birth control and Big Tech is banning… Continue Reading →

Have You Guys Seen “Vanquish or Die?”

Michael Matt introduces it and speaks very favorably of it. I, being an idiot, had never heard anything about this. I’d be interested to know if any of you watched it. No matter what, this is a pretty amazing story… Continue Reading →

Hey Matt, What Happens when an Intellectual Welterweight Trades Blows with a Heavyweight?

Destiny really think he ate with this “insight” that the Catholic Church but Jordan Peterson ain’t having it. Ouch. stop dude he’s already dead pic.twitter.com/tmxlYMxDSG — πš™πš˜πš˜πš.✨ (@saintsundere) March 26, 2024

Fr. Mike Schmitz on Entering the Story of God’s Sacrifice.

My wife was watching this when I walked in the room. Pretty amazing.

Ship Collides with Baltimore Bridge which Collapses. Prayers.

Oh my. This is not good. I don’t know whether it was intentional or not but please take a moment to pray for all involved. I have to admit that the media calling this a bridge collapse doesn’t really tell… Continue Reading →

What’s on the Mind of Matthew Archbold? My Radio Appearance on Annunciation Radio.

Love doing this show with Ron and Dave. Honestly, I don’t know how they get along when I’m not there. The Holy Spirit is very powerful, I guess.

I See Some Signs of Sanity!!!

The world is burning like a dumpster fire, including the requisite odd smells. Sane people throw their hands up at the sheer weight of madness surrounding us. It gets to the point that its like we are adrift at sea… Continue Reading →

Pro-Abortion Student Stumped. But Something Shocking Happens.

Ok. You almost never see this nowadays. The new normal is to beat up the pro-lifer for a the hate crime of wrong think. But this kid actually walks down the path of logic and has a reasonable conversation. He… Continue Reading →

The “Bloodbath” Myth and What It Means About our Country.

Former president Donald Trump was talking about the auto industry and said that unless he’s elected there will be a “bloodbath” because nobody will protect the auto workers from Chinese manufacturing in Mexico. The media, however, pretends he’s instigating a… Continue Reading →

You Should Read Archbishop Emeritus Charles Chaput’s Article on Pope Francis and Cardinal Fernandez.

I urge you to read the entire piece over at First Things. I’ll throw you some highlights: Chaput writes that Lumen Fidei, while being Pope Francis’ first encyclical, was actually Pope Benedict’s final encyclical with a few flourishes by Francis…. Continue Reading →

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