We Laugh Because We Believe

Month February 2010


Well done and point made! CFV 426 – Avatar/Pocahontas Mashup FINAL VERSION from Randy Szuch on Vimeo. ht Hotair

A Prayer from the Living

This is truly life affirming beautiful writing by Doctor Zero at Hot Air. Check it out: The body of actor Andrew Koenig was found in Vancouver’s Stanley Park yesterday. His father, Walter Koenig, said that his son “took his own… Continue Reading →

Aww. The Church of Dawkins First Schism

The First Evangelical Church of the Atheistic Promulgation of Richard Dawkins is having its first schism. Awwww. Isn’t that so cute. And guess what, poor widdle Dawkins doesn’t like to be called names. Poor thing. The Times Online reports: Richard… Continue Reading →

Best Metaphors for Obamacare Summit

These are the best video metaphors I could find for the Obamacare Summit yesterday. Mad hat tip to Viral Footage which must work crazy hours traveling the interwebs to find so many funny and weird videos. EMBED-Failed Frisbee Catch –… Continue Reading →

Philly Abortionist Speaks

Dr. Kermit Baron Gosnell, the Philadelphia abortionist, whose clinic was shut down after a drug investigation discovered “deplorable” conditions including blood on the floor and over a dozen fetuses in jars, is speaking out and insisting he’s a good person…. Continue Reading →

The Truth and The Lie About Abortion

The Truth: The Lie: I just don’t see how Nancy Pelosi could possibly continue lying about this when the funding of abortion is pretty much the entire reason this awful bill can’t pass. How stupid do they think we are?… Continue Reading →

The Most Influential Theologians In The World

Matt speaking here:Marcel from Mary’s Aggies will be guest posting here once a week for the next month. We’re happy to have him here. It’ll be nice to have someone smart to speak with at the CMR Editorial Meetings. Before… Continue Reading →

Watch This! I Am Serious!!

Rough and tumble politics, eh? You ain’t seen nothing!!!

Highlights Or Lowlights of the Obama Summit

My opinion: Obama looked really really bad at the healthcare summit. It got so bad I was waiting for Obama to blurt out an agreed upon safety word to end it. A lot went down but for a great roundup… Continue Reading →

Pics and Videos

HT Powerline HT Moonbattery HT New Advent EMBED-Dumb Soldier Fails At Grenade Throwing – Watch more free videos HT Viral Footage

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