See Updates at the end of this post… Oh no, oh no, oh no. While the details are still sketchy at this point and nothing is yet known about the killer, what is clear is that the murder of notorious… Continue Reading →
This is bad. Horrible. The Wichita Eagle is reporting. CMR offers prayers to the family. We also pray that the person who did this wasn’t acting in the name of the unborn because this would certainly set back the pro-life… Continue Reading →
I’ll keep this short. I’ve got one sentence for you. “Up” might be the best Pixar movie ever. Pixar’s the people who brought you Monsters Inc., Toy Story, The Incredibles, Wall-E, and Ratatouille. And this movie, for me, was the… Continue Reading →
Way to Go! Update: In what many are calling a shocking upset, Susan Boyle didn’t win the competition. She was runner-up to a group of street dancers.
I knew it would happen. Eventually. Frankly, I’m surprised it took so long. Remember that female shark that got herself pregnant without use of a male shark a few months ago? National Geographic reported: A female blacktip shark in Virginia… Continue Reading →
Tolerance. Shmolerance. For years, liberals have been pleading with us obnoxious right wing fanatics to just stop with the politics of personal destruction. They pleaded for us just to get along? They questioned why we couldn’t just be tolerant of… Continue Reading →
══ 1 ══ Baby vs. Baby What is the world coming to? I don’t care what anybody says, that baby in lane 4 is clearly juicing. ══ 2 ══ Man on Man? The word ‘Gaydar’ has officially been added to… Continue Reading →
According to LifeSite News, my brother Patrick has hit the big time. In a story about Miguel Diaz, they write: The appointment of so many nominal Catholics to top positions in the Obama government has prompted one prominent writer and… Continue Reading →
Get this. A self described “Roman Catholic priestess” waiting to see President Obama was standing up for traditional marriage when she was dragged away by the Secret Service…Wait. I’m sorry. Could I just pause over that sentence again. A self… Continue Reading →
CBS News in Miami is reporting that Father Alberto Cutié is set to bail on the Catholic Church in order to become an Episcopalian. MIAMI (CBS4) CBS4 has learned that Father Alberto Cutié, who has been at the center of… Continue Reading →
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