What’s gotten into all these bishops and cardinals recently? Many are actually…standing up for morality all of a sudden. Up until recently there had been so much “contextualizing” of abortion from bishops. Yes, they’d say, abortion is very important but… Continue Reading →
Even though it has been out for days, so far only Drudge and FoxNews are reporting on the startling (not really for anyone paying attention) audio of an interview The One gave in 2001. In the interview, which I have… Continue Reading →
The latest editorial from the National Catholic Reporter lambastes the pro-life effort of bishops. I’m trying to make heads or tails out of their point of view but it just seems to follow the already stale Kmiec-isms that the real… Continue Reading →
Archeologists are doing a dig at the home of none other than Martin Luther. Now I have never been a fan of the man who split the Church. But after this reading some of this new research, I feel like… Continue Reading →
More Episcopal Backbone—One Bishop speaks out on Prop 8 and another on voting for life! Bishop Dewane On Voting Responsibility—Bishop of Venice Fl. instructs the faithful. Fireworks Over Town Canceling Christmas—One company stands up against the secularization of Christmas. Gay… Continue Reading →
Melody, a self described CMR fan (clearly a woman of taste!), sends us news of more Episcopal backbone on display. Melody writes, The San Diego City Council plans on passing a resolution to condemn Prop 8 tomorrow. San Diego’s Auxiliary… Continue Reading →
Bishop Dewane of Venice Florida issued this letter to the faithful of his diocese via the bulletin. First and foremost, protect life. Amen. Thank you Bishop Dewane. Thanks to Matt Soldano
My new favorite fireworks company is pulling out of a holiday boat parade because “Christmas” was dropped from the event’s name, says Fox News. Good for them. “Fireworks by Grucci” last year donated $5,000 of fireworks to last years Patchogue… Continue Reading →
The American River College Student Council voted 8-3 on Sept. 30 to endorse Prop. 8 which defines marriage as between a man and a woman. Outrageous, right? So, supporters of gay marriage responded by launching a recall effort and trying… Continue Reading →
Cardinal Egan: Look at this Photograph—Look at it. Tell me this isn’t an innocent human being worthy of protection. Best (Or Worst) Halloween Costumes Ever—I wouldn’t be caught dead or alive in any of these costumes. Enough With The Partisan… Continue Reading →
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