First Graders’ Gay Marriage Field Trip—I have to wonder what the permission slip said on this one. An Acorn Election Day!—Bring out your dead! Considering Who To Vote For? Read This!—Palin talks about real hope and change. Without A Pope:… Continue Reading →
A group of first graders were taken on an indoctrinational field trip to witness a gay marriage in California, according to Protect Marriage. If traditional marriage is not upheld, this is what we’ll be getting everywhere. In the same week… Continue Reading →
This is called the most important election in years. So its aproppriate that even the dead are coming out to vote. Indianapolis currently has more registered voters than actual people living in Indianapolis. So once again, thanks to Acorn, the… Continue Reading →
Gov. Sarah Palin said this from the stump. For me, it sums up how I feel about this entire election. I love the plainspokeness of Palin, especially compared with Obama’s high-falutin phrases signifying nothing. Here it is: “In this same… Continue Reading →
I found this very interesting. The following is an excerpt of the remarks of Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew at the Synaxis of the Heads of Orthodox Churches. It is a little long, but stick with me. And now, beloved brothers in… Continue Reading →
A Gay Marriage Irony—Recent polls show support for ban on gay marriage. Thanks to Obama? Racism is the New Hitler—Unfounded accusations of racism are on the increase this election cycle. How long until we tune them out? Incredible Video: First… Continue Reading →
The gay community is solidly behind Barack Obama. But because Barack Obama is pushing the black community out to vote, many believe his get-out-the-vote program will actually help the ban on gay marriage pass because a majority of African-Americans are… Continue Reading →
Do we really want to be accused of being racist for the next four years? I don’t. It seems that every time Barack Obama is criticized, the media or someone associated with Barack Obama screams racism. If it’s a reach… Continue Reading →
This from Wired For the first time, it is possible to actually watch the initial 24 hours of the life of an embryo at the cellular level. With a newly developed microscope that uses a sheet of light to scan… Continue Reading →
In 2002, two batty female religious, equipped with a hammer, pliers and baby bottles filled with blood skulked their way onto a military base and managed to paint crosses on on a missile silo. For their stupidity the two sisters,… Continue Reading →
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